Intelligent FIWARE-based Generic Energy Storage Services for Environmentally Responsible Communities and Cities
The goal of I-GReta is to develop solutions for planning and operation of highly flexible energy systems benefitting from
storage capacities.
I-Greta at a glance
Type of action: Energy Storage Solutions
Grant Number: UEFISCDI – contract no. 176/2020
Start Date: 01/12/2020
End date: 30/11/2023
Project Coordinator: RWTH
The consortium intends to build a real-world digitalized and decentralized energy system. I-GReta will connect 5 trial sites in 4 countries via a professional ICT platform benefitting from FIWARE components.
The goal of the I-GReta project is to develop solutions for the planning and operation of highly flexible energy systems benefitting from storage capacities. These will be capable of integrating high shares of renewables in regional and local energy networks through integrated demand flexibility and forecasting on building level as well as large-scale optimization-based control of electrical, heating and cooling consumption.
The consortium intends to build a real-world digitalized and decentralized energy system that will serve as a small version of the envisioned future flexible energy system able to integrate high shares of renewable energy, overcoming the challenges of intermittency (for RES-based generation) and stochastic variability (for consumption, mainly due to e-mobility). To this end, the consortium intends to connect four demonstration sites in four countries via a professional ICT platform benefitting from FIWARE components. Occupants, owners and system operators as key need owners will participate and assess the operation of the respective building in a Virtual Smart Grid (VSG) based on the platform. The main use case will be the trading of storage capacities via the platform.
Goal 1: Design and develop a TRL7 prototype of an inter-regional energy system demonstrating a possible way to successfully transform our energy systems towards human-centred and renewable, service-oriented energy supply.
Goal 2: Achieve market impact by creating business models and replicability guidelines leveraging use of RES while answering different actors’ needs, putting the customer at the center.